Our doctors work for you according to current medical knowledge in the areas of pain treatment and microscopic endodontics. We work to preserve your own teeth and apply esthetic treatments so that your smile looks natural and not artificial.
For many dentists, our practice is the ideal complement to ensure you, the patient, optimal care. With modern treatment techniques, microscopic analyses and the use of specialized equipment, we do everything to save and preserve your natural teeth.
In the case of deep caries, painful dental nerves and dead dental pulp, root canal treatment makes it possible to preserve teeth for a longer period of time.
Our focus is on the long-term preservation of teeth that require root treatment (endodontics) or repeat root treatment (revision). We carry out these therapies exclusively under a microscope with high magnification (up to 31x). Thanks to our many years of experience, we can apply very fine and specially developed devices with this method.
Microscopic endodontics is the treatment of the inside of the tooth under high magnification.
The aim is to comprehensively clean the inside of the tooth from inflamed or dead tissue and bacteria. The more precisely this cleaning is done, the more long-term the success. The microscope enables all areas and niches of the root canal system to be recognized and treated.
Microscopic revision is the repetition of a root treatment.
The main reason for initial treatment failures are bacteria or microorganisms that have nested in hidden tooth sections or side canals before, during or after a root canal treatment. The bacteria usually cause inflammation in the bone around the root tip.
The aim of microscopic revision is primarily to comprehensively disinfect the root canal and remove all microorganisms. To do this, the complications of the previous treatment must be identified and eliminated. With the majority of treatments, and given appropriate experience, this can be carried out very well under the microscope.
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We take care of both rapid initial treatment and the nerve and tooth-preserving follow-ups after traumatic dental accidents.
This is done with the help of the surgical microscope or magnifying glasses and with tooth-colored filling material. Composites (mixed substances of microceramic particles and plastic) can close small defects tightly and with high precision. The surgical microscope offers us the unique advantage of being able to gently remove only the parts of the tooth that are actually affected by caries with special small instruments under up to 31x magnification.
Careful “drilling” (preparation) on the tooth leads to less pain and protects the healthy dental structure. Sometimes no drilling is done and the powder jet technique is instead used to gently remove diseased dental areas.
Periodontology deals with the treatment of periodontitis. Gingival pockets are usually the result of periodontitis, an inflammation of the periodontium that has spread to the bone.
Successful periodontitis therapy depends to a large extent on your cooperation: good oral hygiene, quitting unhealthy habits (smoking!), healthy nutrition. High-quality fillings, well-fitting prosthetic restorations and root canal treatments ensure the best possible brushability of your teeth over a long period of time. Properly performed root canal therapies protect them from root infection, which could possibly affect the gums and surrounding bone. In order to achieve optimal treatment results in complex cases, we work together in a team with acknowledged specialists in periodontology.
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Patienten-Informationen zu Parodontitis
To prevent caries, gingivitis or diseases of the periodontium, we offer regular cleaning sessions of the teeth and mouth by specially trained dental hygienists. With this treatment, the teeth are cleansed of plaque and tartar in places that are difficult to reach with private dental hygiene at home.
The sessions are structured in recognizing the spots, cleaning and motivation through individual cleaning instructions.
A three-dimensional X-ray image is called digital volume tomography (DVT). It offers decisive information for the appropriate further treatment in the case of special root canal treatments, complex planning and in the event of accidents.
The actual extent of inflammation in the jawbone and the course of root canals are precisely imaged. In difficult cases, this is necessary in order to make the right decision between dental preservation through root treatment or root tip resection, or the option of tooth extraction and dentures/implants.
In the case of special questions regarding the 3D images, we invite radiologists to give a second opinion in the council.
We also make recordings for partner surgeries to facilitate more comprehensive planning prior to surgical operations.
Discoloration of teeth can occur after injuries involving the front teeth or after root canal treatment. The appearance of your unique smile can thus be impaired. In this situation, internal bleaching offers us the opportunity to rewhiten teeth. This procedure is absolutely painless and usually produces impressive results.
Wafer-thin ceramic veneers can be made for shape changes and to treat larger defects or severely discolored teeth. Modern ceramics and bonding methods make it feasible to prepare the teeth minimally or to make such preparations redundant. The surgical microscope helps us achieve the best possible precision and dental protection. Our made-to-measure ceramic veneers are individually crafted.
Crowns are used for very large defects or if shape corrections become necessary. They serve to splint weakened or root canal-treated teeth and are made by our excellent partner dental technicians. Particularly beautiful and appealing results can be achieved with pure-ceramic crowns. High-tech ceramics combine the properties of outstanding, natural esthetics and the best stability with scientific know-how. Alternatively, veneer metal crowns (VMCs, a type of “jacket crown”), which are characterized by maximum stability and proven reliability over decades, can be used.
MODJAW is a novel mode of capturing real jaw movement and dynamic occlusion in addition to 3D modeling.
The concept behind 4D dentistry is that static and dynamic parameters should together be taken into account in order to allow for a comprehensive diagnosis and tailored restorations.
Thanks to 4D visualizations, patients can visualize their chewing and understand the necessary treatment.
In a root tip resection, inflammation around the root tip is removed along with a part of that tip. At the same time, the root canals can be cleaned from the back and sealed with special cements (retrograde apex sealing). Ideally, if the tooth is inflamed, the primary aim is a revision (see “Tooth accidents & dental traumatology”) in an attempt to clean the root canal system completely. If this is not feasible, then a combination of revision and resection is carried out to save the tooth.
If teeth can no longer be preserved, implants offer the option to artificially replace dental roots. There are possibilities to use implants as artificial abutments and to furnish them either with crowns (fixed) or with prostheses (removable). In this way, your chewing function as well as the appearance of your own teeth and the surrounding gums can be restored in the best possible way.
Single-tooth implants, implant bridges or implant-supported full dentures can be manufactured. If there is not enough own bone for a predictable implantation, new bone can be created using different techniques or your own bone can be transplanted. We cooperate with various partner surgeries and medical consultants for such treatments. Implants can restore the function and appearance of your own teeth.
For larger and more complex treatments, we cooperate with referring doctors as well as selected partner surgeries and medical consultants. In order to offer the best possible service, our reception team manages appropriate communication and scheduling for you.